When i am king on monday,tuesday,wednesday,thursday,friday,
Saturday and Sunday are the things I will do. I will be fishing on the weekend.,making new rules for the whole world.,buying new stuff for people that don’t have enough money. Also I will get them what they need and get them a hotel,take people on a trip overseas for a holiday., get the homeless off the streets and get them an apartment.

2 thoughts on “if i was king

  1. I love it!
    Well done Che. You have a big heart -I love that you would help people who don’t have much money!
    Whaea Wiki

  2. WOW!
    Chē this has shown me just how kind, caring and compassionate you are. I would love you to be my King if this is the work you made your priority.
    I bet you would be able to buy an awesome fishing rod if you were King and catch lots of kaimoana for your whānau, kura and hapori.

    Well done Chē,
    Ceilidh 🙂

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